Thursday, October 8, 2009

We keep running but I got a new toy...

Hello everyone,

I have been running fairly well recently. Weather has been very rainy and cool. My shins are still hurting but I'm icing them down every-now-and-then. Last week, I got two runs in at 7.5 miles and two more at 4 miles. This week, has gotten off to a slow start but I hope by the end of the weekend I can get a 9 miler.

So on to my new toy I mentioned in the title. Kate got me the Nike Sportband. Great gift for the somewhat competitive runner that wears nike shoes. It tracks your time, pace and mileage. It is not completely accurate but it does give you something to base your runs on.

Recently, we had a trip to Knoxville last weekend. We got to hang out with an old friend or two and cheer for the Auburn Tigers. We had a blast. Next Auburn game is going to be Nov. 7th. War Eagle.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who has donated to Parkers Pride. If you do not know, I run around Vanderbilt hospital just about everyday. Seeing families taking a break, getting some fresh air reminds me why I'm running.

Take Care!

Matt and Kate Scott