Wednesday, August 26, 2009

August 26, 2009
Birmingham, Alabama

I suppose I should begin this by telling you that I've never done this before. I've never been a big writer and I've never felt so entirely compelled to participate in an event like this, but recently something took place that has transformed my outlook on life.

I am the proud father of Parker Chance Scott. Since the moment he was born on June 16, 2008, my life has never been the same. He made everything better, brighter and stronger. Before his arrival, I can honestly say I never truly appreciated the joy that can be found in simple things I'd never even thought about before, like just lying on the floor next to him or listening to the sound of his tiny clapping hands. These are things I will think about and cherish forever. These are things I'll thank him for giving to me forever.

Parker would have been 15 months old today, probably spending much of his time relishing the newfound freedom that comes with taking those first solo footsteps. Sadly, Parker passed away on May 21, 2009, just shy of his first birthday. I haven't been able to come up with the words to express how much grief we all feel without him here. All I can do is try to live a life that would make my precious son proud of his father. It's the best way I've found to cope with his passing.

The loss of my son has inspired me to give back to the hospital where everyone tried so hard to save him, where my family received much-needed comfort during such a dark time. I spent days in Children’s Hospital's pediatric intensive care unit witnessing firsthand the love and care the Pastoral Care Department provided to countless families and their little angels.

After Parker's passing, running became one of my therapeutic ways of dealing with his very palpable absence. It just felt natural, as Parker and I often took long walks and jogs together, throughout the neighborhood and to the park. That's why it seemed like such a perfect fit when my family members and friends suggested I run in a marathon. It allows me to do something I find therapeutic, while raising money to help sick children at the same time. I know Parker would be proud.

The St. Judes Marathon in December, the Mercedes Marathon in February and the Country Music Marathon in April are all providing me the opportunity to reach out and contribute in some small way to the Pastoral Care Department that works so hard to provide care and comfort to sick children and their families. I will run, not just for my son, but for all the kids and families touched by the Children’s Hospital and their invaluable Pastoral Care Department. Help is greatly needed and much appreciated. In the next day or two there will be a link added to this blog to encouraging you to make donations to our campaign. Please check back shortly. Let's make Parker proud.